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Landowner Resources

Forest Stewardship & Planning
Logging Professionals
Best Management Practices
Slash Management
Reforestation - Regeneration
Visual Quality Management
Critical Wildlife Habitat
Biodiversity and Forests With Exceptional Conservation Value
Weeds/Exotic Plants & Animals
Special Sites
Forest Certification

F.H. Stoltze Land & Lumber Co. (Stoltze) believes all forest landowners have an important stewardship responsibility in their forest management activities. Stoltze recognizes the importance of maintaining viable commercial, family forests, and encourages the conservation of these forest lands and their traditional uses. We support sustainable forestry practices both on forestland we manage and on those lands we purchase forest products from. Stoltze supports efforts to protect private property rights, and to help all private landowners managing their forestland sustainably. 


Stoltze supports and is committed to the Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI®) program standard and intent in managing sustainable forests. These lands make vital contributions to society by providing economic, environmental and social benefits indispensable to the quality of life in Montana. Our commitment to sustainable forest management means protecting water quality, soil, wildlife and unique resources.


In January of 2011, Stoltze became certified to meet the "Certified Fiber Source" standard of SFI. This involved review of Stoltze procurement programs by a third party auditor and acceptance of that audit by the SFI program.


The results of our most recent audit can be found here.: Audit Report


Stoltze is required to submit an annual report to SFI which can be found here: Annual Report


Our SFI program is based on the premise that responsible environmental behavior and sound business decisions must co-exist to the benefit of communities, landowners, manufacturers, shareholders, customers and the environment, today and for future generations.  To help you succeed in the sustainable management of your property and business, we would like to provide some important information and access to resources we feel are important to make informed land management decisions.

Forest Stewardship & Planning

A multitude of information exists for the use of landowners, loggers & forest managers to use pertaining to forest stewardship and land management planning.  Please see the following links for publications and websites that are helpful in planning and execution of land management activities.

Timber Sale Planning & Forest Products Marketing - A publication by MSU Extension Forestry & Montana DNRC
Call Before You Cut - A resource guide to forest management 
Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC)
Montana State University Extension Forestry
Montana Forest Stewardship Program
Montana Tree Farm System
Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS)
U.S. Forest Service Cooperative Forestry

MSU Forestry Fact Sheets

Trained Logging Professionals

Montana is a leader in the realm of providing professional training opportunities and programs to our logging professionals. The Montana Logging Association with the support of the Montana Forest Council has developed the Accredited Logging Professional (ALP) program to provide professional training opportunities for loggers and truckers throughout the state. The ALP program currently recognizes three levels of training, ALP, Advanced and Basic. Full ALP training entails a rigorous initial training curriculum, including completion of a Forest Stewardship Workshop, Best Management Practice and Streamside Management Zone training and First Aid – Safety training. Continuing education requirements ensure the ALP logger continues to be current in new technology, operations and regulations. List of ALP certified Forestry Contractors.


Stoltze uses only ALP certified contractors on our company lands or any lands we manage through contract or agreement. We fully support the program and recommend landowners consider using an ALP contractor for their land management needs. 


Best Management Practices / Streamside Management Zone Laws


Since 1989, Montana has implemented and monitored voluntary and regulatory programs to ensure forest management activities do not endanger water quality. The voluntary Best Management Practice program is continually monitored through biannual field verification to assess application and effectiveness of management practices that protect soil and water quality. Water Quality BMP’s for Montana Forests  is a great guide for landowners and contractors alike in ensuring water quality is not compromised as a result of forest management activities. 


The Streamside Management Zone Law is a regulatory tool that establishes standards for protection of streams, lakes, wetlands and other bodies of water. Administered by the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, this law applies to all forest practices including harvest of trees, road construction and reconstruction, site preparation and regeneration activities and management of logging slash.


Stoltze expects log suppliers to be in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including the SMZ law and application of Best Management Practices when selling timber to Stoltze. Our foresters are available for consultation and advice in the application of BMP’s and the SMZ law. 

Slash Management

In order to sell logs to any processing facility in Montana, a fire Hazard Reduction Agreement (HRA or slash permit) is required from the Department of Natural Resource & Conservation (DNRC).  This is to ensure that residual slash left behind does not exceed State of Montana slash laws and create a fire hazard.  To arrange for an HRA permit; contact your local DNRC service forester.

DNRC Forestry Assistance Bureau - Links to Montana slash management & debris law, streamside management zone law & forest practice notification law.
Managing Organic Debris for Forest Health - Reconciling fire hazard, bark beetles, wildlife and forest nutrition needs.

Reforestation – Regeneration

When conducting a forest management activity, it is advisable to plan for how you are going to establish your next generation of new trees. What kind of trees, where and how many are important things to think about. A variety of options exist with pro’s and con’s for each method available.


The most important part of establishing your new crop of trees is to have a plan and then to monitor your success. You have many options, including natural regeneration, direct seeding or planting. Just like in your garden, some preparation of the seed bed may be necessary such as mechanical scarification or prescribed burning.


The following links provide some valuable information on regeneration options. It is advisable to discuss regeneration options with a Stoltze forester, a state service forester or your logging contractor.


DNRC Conservation Seedling Nursery

Handling, planting and care of Tree and Shrub Seedlings

Planting Bareroot Stock

Visual Quality Management

When managing larger tracts of land it can be important to consider the visual impacts of management activities, especially in areas readily visible to the public. Using the appropriate logging systems and also logging in the appropriate season can be just as important as harvest prescription, especially on steeper slopes.

Managing Forest Aesthetics

Critical Wildlife Habitat

One of the many reasons people have for owning timbered land is the ability to see native wildlife in their own backyard. Private family forests can play an important role in providing habitat for many common species of plants and animals as well as threatened and endangered (T&E) species. Below are some links to information on some of these species.

Bald Eagle  
Bull Trout 
Canadian Lynx
Grizzly Bear
Water Howellia


Species of Concern in Montana
Montana Natural Heritage Program - Look-up animal and plant  species of concern in Montana by township
Natural Resource Information System - Another resource for information of these species and more pertaining to Montana.
United States Fish & Wildlife Service Threatened & Endangered - By State

Biodiversity and Forests With Exceptional Conservation Value

Natureserve - Information about rare and endangered species and threatened ecosystems.
Biodiversity - Information about biodiversity and why it is important.

Montana State Wildlife Action Plan - MT Fish Wildlife and Parks report on wildlife issues and concerns at a state wide level
Montana Assessment of Forest Resources - Report on status of forests in Montana
World Resources Institute - Information on Biodiversity at a global scale

Montana Forest Action Plan

Biodiversity Guide for Montana Forest and woodlot owners

Weeds/Exotic Plants & Animals

Montana Noxious Weeds
Weed Identification
- This website from the Montana Weed Control Association will help you to identify noxious weeds.
Weed Control Method Handbook - Publication by The Nature Conservancy for controlling weeds in natural areas. 

Special Sites

Montana Natural Heritage Program - Provides information on Montana's species and habitats, emphasizing those of conservation concern.
Conservation Practices and Cultural Resources - This question and answer document explains what cultural resources are, why they are important and where you can find additional information about them.

Forest Certification

Montana Tree Farm System
American Tree Farm System
Programme for the Endorsement for Forest Certification (PEFC) - The world's largest forest certification organization.
Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI®) - Forest management certifier 
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®) - Forest management certifier

SFI® vs FSC® - A summary comparison of forest management certifiers

Forestry Stewardship & Planning
Logging Professionals
Best Management Practices
Slash Management
Reforestation Regeneration
Visual Quality Management
Critical Wildlife Habitat
Weeds exotic plants and animals
Special Sites
Forest Certification
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F.H. Stoltze Land & Lumber Co.

600 Halfmoon Road

P.O. Box 1429

Columbia Falls MT 59912


406-892-1612 (fax)

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